Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Left Speechless!!

Today the kids were building with Lego they were mostly building towers and Gray was sorting the colours so that all of the red blocks were together, the blue and so on and so forth. They were having a blast. While I was in the kitchen making a loaf of bread, Gray ran out into the kitchen with a stack of red Lego’s and he was making a jabbing action with the stack and an odd little noise. He ran back and forth between the kitchen and living room making this noise and jabbing at the air in front of him several times before he stopped beside me, I looked down at him and asked him what he was doing? And then he said it as clear as day “Shooting the big guns”. For once in my life I was speechless; I didn’t know whether to be horrified that my three year old was pretending to be playing with guns or excited about the fact that he had just said four words in a row. I decided on the latter and was glad that I had because when I complimented him on his imagination and told him good use of words he looked at me with a huge grin on his face before turning and running back out into the living room where he then totally forgot that he had been shooting the big guns because his all time favorite show had come on and he crawled up onto the couch to watch “Curious George”

I didn’t have to guess where he had heard that phrase I knew without thinking that he had heard it from daddy, I’ve heard my husband say it more times then I can count and he isn’t even home for me to talk to him about it and by the end of the week I’ll probably have forgotten about it. Well maybe not because four words can be considered a full sentence the first full sentence that Gray has ever said, even if the content wasn’t what I would have wished for I could not get over the joy at having heard my little man use four words in a descriptive sentence it was a huge milestone, I know in my heart that it really is not about the milestones but the moments but this was one of those moments, and one that I would be putting on the calendar and can’t wait to share with my husband.

“Hope is passion for what is possible.” -Soren Kierkegaard


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW great news I am so HAPPY. I could cry right now. I am completely over joy. He is such a smart little man.
